just try e-cigs now

When we switch to the electronic cigarette, we are looking above all for the favourite E-liquid, but how to choose the e-liquid that is closest to our good old cigarette. Some will completely focus on different flavours and fall for fruity or minty. For others, the search for the sensation of smoking a cigarette is stronger, so they are looking for tobacco and only tobacco.

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You are new to the world of vaping, or you simply want to learn about the gestures to avoid. If you make certain points mentioned in the article below, we advise you not to do them again in the future.

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What are the different types of the electronic cigarette? Also called vape or personal vaporizer, the e-cig takes different forms. These different functions correspond to very specific needs. Here is a small typology of the different electronic cigarettes that will help you see more clearly! 

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Cigarettes are over! Smoker, you have decided to quit smoking for good and use electronic cigarettes to help you achieve this. You have read our article “ How to choose an electronic cigarette ” to find out which vape material to buy. Now you have to choose your e-liquid and especially its nicotine level. What level of nicotine do you need? We explain everything about the nicotine dosage of e-liquids !

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How to maintain your electronic cigarette is a question that all newcomers to the vape ask themselves. No more worries, BlogVape guides you step by step on eco-responsible vaping. Cleaning your electronic cigarette is not very complicated. The maintenance of your electronic cigarette will have no more secrets for you after reading this guide. 

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You have gone to the vape and you are right! You enjoy your e-cigarette and combine pleasure and health. However, to keep all its qualities, your vaping equipment must be maintained. Vaping problems can lead to e-liquid leaks, making your vape unpleasant. Are you having problems with leaks on your vape? Let’s find out together how to detect and then solve these problems.

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The electronic cigarette tempts you, but you have your habits regarding traditional tobacco. You are therefore afraid of losing your bearings and having trouble vaping correctly from the start of the transition between cigarette and vaper. However, it is easy to know how to vape once you know a few things about it.

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You will find the answers to your questions in this electronic cigarette tutorial: How to use a vape? Which vape setting to choose? Which vape for beginners to choose? Which resistors to choose? what liquid? or how to remove the electronic cigarette bypass mode? 

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Have you just bought an electronic cigarette? To know what watt to set your electronic cigarette, it is important to first know its mode of operation. The electronic cigarette, e-cigarette or vape, is a device used to produce vapour by gently heating a resistance surrounded by cotton without any combustion and then vaporizing the flavoured liquid called e-liquid. To consume this liquid transformed into vapour, it must be inhaled like tobacco smoke from a cigarette. To choose the setting of your electronic cigarette, it may be interesting to understand what a resistance value in ohm is, and more specifically better understand ohm’s law. Whether you have a Geekvape, Smok, Innokin, Vaporesso or even Eleaf electronic cigarette, know that the settings will be identical because all vapers work with the same principle.

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